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Preschool Ballet Program
(Ages 3-5)

Our preschool program was specifically designed with our youngest dancers

(ages 3-5) in mind.  Our creative movement lessons include games, props, and a little imagination to teach basic ballet vocabulary and classical ballet positions and movements. The LPBC lessons grow dancers' self-awareness, confidence, and character to prepare them for a perfect final performance. With our preschool dancers, ballet class is always filled with excitement and magical surprises,

just around the next twirl. 

School Directors:
Why partner with us to offer ballet at your school?


  • #1 Reason: Families LOVE everything about our program!

  • Short term time-commitment (our sessions are 12 weeks or less)

  • Less expensive than most dance studio fees with NO costume/recital fees!

  • Familiar setting - with classes right at school, it's so convenient for families and comfortable for kids

  • Students dance out their wiggles and expend some energy (we promise better naps will be one result!).

  • Offers an enrichment opportunity in the performing arts for your families

  • Provides students an environment for learning about spatial awareness, an outlet for self-expression, and an opportunity to practice listening skills, following directions, body control, patience, and team work

  • Builds confidence, character, and grace in children

Contact us at to learn more and discover what we can do for your school and your students!

Le Petit Ballet Co. LLC
Founder / Director,
Jennifer Burcham-Flores

Tel: 336-312-5366
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© Le Petit Ballet Co. LLC, 2024. 

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