Elementary Ballet Program
(Pre-K through 2nd grade)
Kindergarten, first and second grade students always say they can't wait for "ballet day"! They love our exciting dance lessons that grow them as dancers and prepare them for a magical performance. Through structured lessons, silly games and fun props, dancers learn ballet terms (yes, in French!) while having fun. Our elementary dancers build listening skills and body control, as well as develop character and self-esteem. They grow so much throughout the session, finally leaving our performance with an amazing sense of accomplishment and pride. It’s all an experience they will never forget—a dream come true!
School Directors:
Why partner with us to offer ballet at your school?
#1 Reason: Families LOVE everything about our program!
Short term time-commitment (our sessions are 12 weeks or less)
Less expensive than most dance studio fees and NO costume/recital fees!
Familiar setting - with classes right at school, it's so convenient for families and comfortable for kids!
Students dance out their wiggles and expend some energy in a healthy way!
Offers a high quality, safe, in-school or after-school enrichment opportunity in the performing arts to your families
Provides students an environment for physical and social-emotional learning, an outlet for self-expression, and an opportunity to practice listening skills, following directions, self-awareness, body control, patience, and team work
Builds confidence, character, and grace in children
Gives families a path to becoming more involved in school, especially important for bilingual families who may struggle connecting with the school
Motivates high attendance and low behavior issues during the school day among participants